This week we have experience a very exciting development - so far my little cheeky boy has been progressing very well from sitting, crawling, standing, cruising (walking while holding on to furniture/ rollable toybox and etc). Yes. yes yessses and now, he has starting his wobbly steps. He first took one or two steps. Then a few more.
It's terrifically amazing and exciting to see our little one who is less than 10 months old took his first steps. I have read that walking early or late has very little to do with a child's development in other areas, such as thinking or language.As a rule of thumb, early walkers are no smarter than late walkers.This article is not meant to praise our young adventurer. In fact, I noticed that Leon is having lots of joy of movements but not so much in other areas, perhaps that's the reason to explain why he put less energy into other learning areas like waving, clapping his hands and talking! Though he likes to yell but NOT talk! At first this actually causes a little concern to me, but I believe eventually it will make little difference as he will still reach the development milestone on his own pace.
I always wonder how come a little baby will know how and when to do what!? Just like Leon,I would say he is quite an eagle and adventurous baby and he just know when he is ready to kick off his steps. Before he literally started his steps,he pulled to standing alongside a chair, bed, box, toys or almost anything that can support him, and then he will let go and perhaps attempt to take one or two steps before he falls down. He will repeat this exercise through out his daytime activity with full passionate until he succeeds and shows his cheeky little smiles!
I love to see his cheeky little smiles. I love when he shows his innocence look and stares at us. I love when he gives a big sweet smile. I love when he is leaning into my arms asking for a big hug...
P.S: My Chinese software is having problem and can't compose in Chinese for the time being...... :(
Loves watching Leon's videos. Congrats on Little Leon's first independent steps! =)
回覆刪除Thanks, watching baby development is truly fun as they just look happy in everything they did!! Glad that you enjoyed watching Leon's videos ;)
回覆刪除Hee hee never expect that Little Leon has fans already =)
Leon is such a lovely, cheerful baby, oh no, boy.
回覆刪除He is a big boy now who can walk by himself.
Thanks Angel ;) Look forward to meet you and baby Lucius!